
Happiness and Suffering

This is a lecture about happiness and suffering from the 25th anniversy of "Sju bönor", a vegeterian restaurant in Helsingborg, Sweden.

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Fascia Lecture

This is a lecture about the basics of the body's connective tissue, the fascia. It's in Swedish and does not yet have any subtitles.

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“I teach only two things: suffering and the end of suffering” Buddha

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Creation itself - God

Ever since I learned to meditate in my teens, I have had a spiritual interest but I must admit that I always felt confused by many so-called spiritual concepts. One of the being the language used in Christianity to convey the spiritual concepts preached by Jesus.

This video shares a moment of a c...

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"Before enlightenment - chop wood and carry water.
After enlightenment - chop wood and carry water." Zen Buddhist proverb